Saturday, December 26, 2009

Enjoying Life and Making it Interesting

Life is more interesting when you are enjoying yourself. This is the prime reason why people find it easy to associate with each other. If you choose to make life interesting, you attract more people to yourself. No one is whole of his/her self, other people create the major parts. It all boils down to making a bold step of making it interesting.
The most important things that make life interesting include: attending events, reading, visiting, engaging in self-improvement activities etc. Taking part in any of these activities gives you more information and experience. Experience as they say, is a good teacher. If you don’t have any experience in anything, it means you do not have enough confidence to do it. For instance not everyone is able to sustain a conversation, and when they do they often get disappointed. To avoid such,it is important to join events that will make you aware of a variety of subjects. This will ensure that you can contribute in any form of conversation with anyone.
When you involve yourself with activities, you stand a better chance of mingling with people with whom you share mutual interests. I believe there are a thousand and one ways to make life better. A times when you visit a place, you may find other people like you out there. It gives your life a meaning when you share your experiences with them. By sharing you gain from what the other is doing to improve on his/her life and that is the essence of making life interesting.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Starting Small

Success is a happy ending of any unpleasant tussles and sleepless nights spent. It is a rewarding experience when you finally reach your goals. However, it is saddening when you fail since, it means that either you did not fulfill your goals or, you did not put much effort. It is really a tough struggle when you find out that everything you have worked for is just a waste of time. It is important to note that, life is worth giving all your efforts no matter any circumstance. Patience is another way of ensuring that a success is reached. You may give up today and tomorrow find out that you were slightly next to your success.
When you have nothing it doesn’t mean that you will never have any. If your strategy is starting small be sure you will reach there. There is no need bragging about the steps you are already taking, just let things unfold naturally until it is apparent to everyone. When you begin small you give yourself humble time to progress from one point to another. It can never happen when all you do is seat and stare at opportunities passing by , the secret is keeping eyes wide open for new opportunities. When many opportunities are within your reach, it therefore means that your success is just next to you.
Desiring the best is the ingredient for a successful future. You only need to have your mind focused on your goals. At times we are tempted to compare ourselves with others. What they do should not be a point of concern, let your own desires drive you. When you compare yourself with others, you already hate yourself. Hating yourself is a hindrance to your success. Start small and look forward to bigger things.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Nature of Jealousy

Jealousy is a negative term that is used to refer to the ugly outcomes of negative emotions and anxiety. It is experienced by almost every person at one time in one’s life time. To some people jealousy is just too much for them to handle. When someone is jealous of you, you will notice it since it is written all over the face. In some instances someone will discourage you or even utter hurting words.
Jealousy is a big threat to any relationship whatsoever. It is often confused with envy but jealousy is more strong and self destructive. When someone is jealous the personality changes and deteriorates with time unless effort is made to control it. People may be tempted to think that jealousy is experienced by people who lack but even those who have more than they need feel it too. In fact if anything, those who have feel it even more for fear of losing what they have. They fear being overtaken by others who might take their position.
In a relationship, it starts with little petty things like, hair style, clothing, social life, etc it becomes even worse when a person is too dependent on another. When someone withdraws support from the other, a feeling of desperation sets in which stirs up jealousy. Jealousy heightens mistrust in a relationship and hence an impudent behavior. In most circumstances when things get to such an extent, the relationship becomes sore to a suffocating extent of breaking up.
` When jealousy is too much in a person’s life, loss of self esteem is experienced. It belittles one’s sense of self integrity and purpose in life. It is dangerous since it is possible to do things that might lead to regrets later in life. Jealousy needs to be avoided at an early stage before it reaches a destructive stage. There are stages where the victim finds fault in everything that goes around. Instead of appreciating all the good things happening in life, he/she despises even the most precious things in life.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Acquiring The Best

The best things in life are lost and not likely recovered because of constant complains “I am too busy” What happens today if you are told, you only have one year left? The answer is simple we cannot do everything in life but the good thing is, we have the freedom to choose what to do. The life of any human being is surrounded by the best choices that make life worth living.
Apart from the basic necessities and the daily routines, there are more interesting things that make life interesting. Life is short that is no hidden fact owing to this fact, it can either be nasty or interesting depending on the road we take. At times we make wrong choices and spend the rest of our lives cursing ourselves. The common mistake that most of us do is concentrating on the future or the past until we miss out on the most important things.
The best things in life don’t come in a silver platter, they are carefully selected. If you are looking for a machine, select the best, if you are looking for a life partner look for the best. It is not fair to do things because other people are doing the same. The secret of making your life better is by discovering what works best for you and go ahead with it. Discover your potential since obviously everybody has a unique niche in life. Ones you discover your niche pursue it with a lot of passion. Concentrate on your strength and ameliorate your life.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

When the lips say YES and the heart says NO!

It is worthwhile to be honest even if not to everyone at least to your self. Living a lie is expensive because you strive so much to please another person while you suffer inside. When you commit your lips to say yes, you have already interfered with the results. An honest No is equals to an honest Yes. If every time you are asked to do something you say yes, then anyone will question. It would be very difficult for someone to always trust your yes if he/she has never heard your No.
I have a reason to believe that when the heart says No it actually means it. If the lips would interfere with the heart and says yes, it already means failure. You may think that you are pleasing someone while in real sense you are actually hurting. Declaring your stand is the most honorable and respectable thing one can ever do. It makes you to not only feel good but to also look good. It also shows that you are independent minded and responsible for your life. Many people face challenges after saying yes since they did not mean it. Usually when this happens someone makes so many errors or take too long to accomplish a given task since the heart is not at peace with the lips.
When you work for someone regardless of who he/she is, it is always good to declare your stand. If you fail to do this, there is likelihood that you will be misused and you will have yourself to blame for this. Same case applies to relationships one spouse can look down upon the other since every decision would be made by one person. If what your spouse suggests you go by it even when it is wrong it means your opinion doesn’t matter. This is the reason why some relationships do not last long. When you do not challenge and make an impact in a relationship you cease to be seen important.
It is important to give two sides of the coin about yourself this will bring out your personality. If everything is centered on wanting to please others people will know who you really are. Let your heart speak for you and you will never regret anything.

Living up to Your Dreams

Living up to one’s dreams is a rewarding accomplishment. During childhood everyone dreamt about what they would like to be when they grow up. It was a happy moment since as a child all dreams were taken seriously. Those who guard their dreams from childhood to adulthood are quite few. As we grow up things change physically, emotionally and mentally depending on what we exposure ourselves to. Influence of parents and the environment can change our dreams. This is the reason why some people settle at less than their potential. An independent minded person is likely to live up to his/her dreams since he/she is able to guard them from discouragements. It is worthwhile for people to understand that living your dream is not an easy task. It takes courage and energy to push dreams to a reality.
When someone commits himself to live up to his/her dreams, it means that such a person is a risk taker. People fear taking risks hence they limit themselves from achieving their dreams. A risk taker is able to identify opportunities available and use them to reach his dreams. When deciding to follow dreams, there are no limits to life time goals no matter the obstacles that come on the way. Focusing on the dreams means you believe that all dreams make a reality in the end.
What deprives people of the courage to live up to their dreams is the fact that they lack confidence in themselves. Many watch their dreams die slowly without making an effort to revive them. There is no limit to how much we should dream, everyone is entitled to dream regardless of age. Dreams are a source of prosperity in life, when you achieve one you look forward to achieving the next. Achieved dreams are a source of happiness in a person’s life the more you dream the more you increase chances of improvement.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Having the Right Attitude

Attitude is one amongst the most important attributes to a successful future. A person with the right attitude motivates his/her self and others to see opportunities that may otherwise be overlooked. During difficult situations, people with poor attitude are at risk of giving up but it takes the right attitude to see an opportunity out of it. Attitude may be as small as it appears but, it is what lies between success and failure. It distinguishes one person from the other since a bad attitude is noticeable from a distance and often ignored. People desire to be successful and would always look for people with the right attitude to partner with.
When a person has the right attitude nothing can stand in the way to a fruitful future. When there are difficulties in such a person’s life, there are always options to reach desired goals. The right attitude means positive thinking and hence everything else follow suit. A positive thinker is a confident person who always believes that nothing is impossible. When you start thinking positively, it means you have already achieved half of your goals.
A person with the right attitude is a leader and a mentor. When a person goes through a difficult situation and comes out victorious then that become a motivation to others. In that case, such a person is expected to understand other people and help them improve on their attitude. Having the right attitude is enough to gain one respect from the society. When people find it easy to interact with you and share their problems, it means you have the right attitude.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A creative mind

Creativity is what makes everything interesting in life. It all starts in the mind, what the mind can think and create is what makes a person creative. What brings about the differences in people lives is how creative and innovative they are. Creativity is not only evident in technology, artistic work, music etc it cuts across every aspect of a person’s life including social life. Cases in point there are people who are more likable than others and are more influential than others. The secret behind their social popularity is creativity. A creative person knows the interests of the society and therefore behaves accordingly as the situation befits.
A creative mind finds joy in everything that he or she does. With creativity life is meaningful since a creative mind see beyond what the normal eye sees. A creative mind is surrounded by resources and opportunities that are invisible to others. When others struggle for things that are beyond their reach, a creative mind begins with what is available and slowly progresses. It does not mean that for you to succeed you need to know people who are in higher positions, creativity will get you there. A creative mind never lucks work to do no matter how hard situations get. Such a person’s life is well planned and achievable targets are set. Everyday ends with an achievement and proceeds from one level of success to another. There is no way a creative person achievements reach satisfactory, it moves from one level to another. Once one achievement has been accomplished another one comes in and so on.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taking an initiative

An initiative is the responsibility of taking it upon one’s self to do something rather than waiting for someone to do it for you. It comes at a point when you realize there is no miracle in success. All successful people take an initiative in life by realizing that they are on their own. Our parents, relatives and friends may be there for us but everyone has to run his or her own race in life. The most challenging part in living a successful life is taking an initiative and once you are past this stage other things would just come along. Many would be tempted to say I am waiting for God to answer my prayers and so they live hoping that God will do it for them. The bible says when you ask it shall be given to you knock and the door shall be open to you. If these statements are true, how come there are beggars on the streets, I am sure that even beggars believe in God. There is no point waiting for eternity for a prayer to be answered when you can take your own initiative to do it.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Gratitude is a word that means appreciation. It is that which is not only said by a word of mouth but also by action. It brings a feeling of joy in parties involved. It wipes away guilt and brings peace within the heart. When you open your mouth to say “thank you” you have already created a clear environment for a good relationship. Many people who are grateful always receive blessings on their way. Anything good that comes in life deserves gratitude no matter how little it is. When we mess up our lives we are tempted to curse but a focused mind will have nothing to curse about. It takes gratefulness to bring that which is lost and console a fruitful source. The lives that we posses are not ours, we live by chance today we have and tomorrow we don’t. While others go down on their knees in gratefulness seeking for more blessings, others are busy taking pride in what they already have. Although gratitude sounds like a positive thing we tend to take it for granted yet there is more than meets the eye. When we succeed in life we tend to forget where we have come from. Life takes twists and turns, some times we are up there, sometimes just hanging, barely hanging on and sometimes next to nothing. Gratitude will always keep us on track.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

True meaning of happiness

Are you living a happy life? It is a question that most people should ask themselves. It is difficult to know by just looking at a person’s face whether they are happy or not. It is unusual to see a sad face but when you see one, still it is ambiguous. People are different, there are those who see nothing to smile or laugh about but this does not mean they are not happy, yet there are those who are extremely jolly but live very unhappy lives. Question is what makes people happy? Is it money, wealth, class, fame, gender, age, achievements? If this is a way of judging happiness then what about those people who are poor, insane, sick, disabled? Does it mean that they are unhappy?
The bible states in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. Personally I have been in church and still I find myself still living unhappy life. And I am sure I am not the only one. So, what seems to be the true meaning of happiness? Celebrities have all the fame they need and of course money but some of them are not happy or were not happy a good example is Michael Jackson. The poor live their lives wishing they were rich often they would be heard saying when I become rich I will be happy. When riches come they are always accompanied by unhappiness so, what is the true meaning of happiness.
Recently I discovered happiness lies in the inner peace. If you don’t have this no matter who you are, what you are, what you possess you will never be happy, never!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Self Drive

These are two words that shouldn’t be separated from each other. Self is a word that refers to a person while drive is an adjective meaning an act of moving something. These words when combined together mean a person moving towards something. We are living in a dynamic world where everything is in motion and the faster you are the more apt you become. The economy is going up, life is become expensive. Those who do not struggle remain poorer and poorer while those who are self driven are getting richer and richer. The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming too shaming. So the question is, are you self driven or driven by life?

The majority lie in the latter, which is saddening. But the most interesting thing about it is that, we wait until things get too hard to bear for us to take an initiative. It is quite true that you might never see the light until you experience darkness. I personally agree with this. It happened to me once. When you fail in something it does not mean it is the end of the world. Failure is an open door to greater things. Every successful person must have started somewhere. Life is not always smooth; it has its own ups and downs. Those who are down might think that those at the top don’t know what is happening beneath them. They have been there before. It takes a self driven person to reach at the top.

My first time on the freaking net

Hello World!

I can't believe it!! I'm finally online. See, this guy showed me how to type with my two lil' fingers, and then showed me how to put my freaking thoughts on the net. So here I am, experimenting with my two bit thought stream. Wonder whether any moron will ever find my crap worth a peek? If so, well, I'll be damned!!

Anyway, this is a test run to see how my blog looks like. Bet it looks like ... well... like that other creature from my nightmares!!!