Friday, October 9, 2009


Gratitude is a word that means appreciation. It is that which is not only said by a word of mouth but also by action. It brings a feeling of joy in parties involved. It wipes away guilt and brings peace within the heart. When you open your mouth to say “thank you” you have already created a clear environment for a good relationship. Many people who are grateful always receive blessings on their way. Anything good that comes in life deserves gratitude no matter how little it is. When we mess up our lives we are tempted to curse but a focused mind will have nothing to curse about. It takes gratefulness to bring that which is lost and console a fruitful source. The lives that we posses are not ours, we live by chance today we have and tomorrow we don’t. While others go down on their knees in gratefulness seeking for more blessings, others are busy taking pride in what they already have. Although gratitude sounds like a positive thing we tend to take it for granted yet there is more than meets the eye. When we succeed in life we tend to forget where we have come from. Life takes twists and turns, some times we are up there, sometimes just hanging, barely hanging on and sometimes next to nothing. Gratitude will always keep us on track.

1 comment:

  1. Two red herrings here:

    1. The use of the word blessings - not everybody may be comfortable with it.
    2. Saying that these lives are not ours - well, whom do they belong to then?

    Otherwise I like the post. Shows you are getting philosophical about life.
